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Not Getting Enough Done? Maybe your system isn't sexy enough!

Where do you find organization and productivity?

At The Intersection of opportunity, desire, and action.

You can't take your eyes off of your daily jam and the clock has melted away.

Are You Productive…Or Just Busy?

You've observed someone who seems to be so darn busy all of the time but doesn’t really get anything done. Maybe you have found yourself rocking in this very same boat. We all do, occasionally. But if it is too frequently, your boat will capsize and your dreams will float ahead upstream and out of reach.  

Do you have goals? 

Of course you do. But can you state them quickly and concisely because they remain top of mind?

Productive People have clear goals upon which they focus all of their efforts on achieving those goals.  Of course there are always going to be distractions. For productive people, distractions don’t take priority over the big picture, the achievement of important goals.



Tell me, do you focus or multi-task? 

Multi-taskers are very busy, always doing many things. That would be wonderful if they were able to do all the things that they are doing well. 

Be curious. Experiment. Do a slew of things at once one. Alternate that with doing one thing at a time. See if you’re more productive when you focus on doing one thing at a time.

Do you delegate? 

Do you take on tasks that would really be better to delegate to someone else? 

If you work alone at your own business, this may be more difficult. 

Start with a cost-benefit analysis to determine if hiring the work out to a subcontractor would be more profitable. Second, determine if you might be able to delegate personal tasks so you can keep the focus on business tasks.

Do you say "no"? No?

People who are productive know how to say no to something that is going to take them away from their own important work. Be discerning. There is nothing sexy about people pleasing.

Do you let some things go?  BRAVO!!!!!  It may sound counterproductive to erase some tasks from your to-do list.  But you may find that you have given yourself tasks that really won’t move your vision forward and will take up extra time. Scratch it off the list if it is an action that unnecessarily moves you away from what you seek to achieve.

Do you have a schedule? 

Productive people have a schedule for each day that notes what needs to be done and when.  Plan ahead for productivity. 

Do you complete things?  (Not talking bag of chips or sausage mushroom pizza). If you're  starting things without finishing them, take a cold hard look at your priorities and make the changes that need to be made so that you will become more productive.

Do you feel peace?  Busy time without the punctuation of accomplishing creates anxiety.  All that worry about all the things you need to do that aren’t getting done eats up even more time.

When you’re productive, you feel peace.  You know what’s important, you have a plan to get it done, and you get it done on time. 

 Being More Focused Leads to Productivity

 In this modern world  instant gratification is treasured.  Staying focused is not a recipe for instant gratification. But it is a recipe for a pot of productive.  Being focused is a necessary ingredient for being productive.

 Here are a few tips to help you stay free from distractions and accomplish more.

 Set Up A Physical Boundary. If you have an office with a door, shut it. If you’re in a cubicle, post a polite sign instructing that you are not to be disturbed.

 Make a Daily Task List.   Try to have a list with no more than 12 things on it for each day.  If you have larger tasks, keep the list shorter.  You don’t want to become overwhelmed with what you need to do, but you do want a visual reminder of what needs to be done each day.

Make the Most of Time Management Apps.  Take advantage of computer apps that lock down time wasting apps.

Use a Timer.  It’s impossible to be completely focused on a task for hours at a time.  Set a timer for 25 minutes so that will allow you to stay focused for that time.  Then give yourself a five minute break. Divide work into smaller chunks to keep you from procrastinating.

Do the Worst Tasks First. 

Organization Leads to Better Productivity

 There are many things you can do to improve your organization.

 Clean Your Work Area.  If your work area looks like it was the victim of a recent natural disaster, your productivity will suffer.  The first step toward better organization is cleaning your work area.

 Organize Your Computer and Email. 

 Use a Planner.  Productive people plan each day with purpose.  A daily planner helps you to stay on track and become more productive.

 Don’t Procrastinate. It’s tempting to put off tasks that are less desirable until you remember all of the times you did just that and none of your responsibilities actually went away.  You got behind schedule and put off the inevitable.  It won't be any different this time. Save time and energy and get it done today.

Stick to a Routine.  It’s easier to be productive when you stick to a consistent schedule instead of doing things differently each day.




Two Step

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