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Children don’t need perfect parents or perfect lives to be healthy.

Enlightened Coparenting

A coparenting approach that aims:
to improve the relationship between coparents,
to deepen the relationship between parents and children, and
to help parents begin the process of healing and improving their relationships with themselves.

Children don’t need perfect parents or perfect lives to be healthy.  The goal of Enlightened CoParenting is to work to maximize family and individual strengths while minimizing family and individual risks.

Dr. Jodi Peary

In Enlightened CoParenting the emphasis shifts from who is at fault for the dissolving of the marriage and toward the degree to which parents are able to minimize the risk factors associated with negative outcomes in children while maximizing protective factors.

Relationship Between Parents

Divorce is a complex process involving a chain of marital transitions, family reorganizations, altered roles and relationships, and different stages of individual adjustment. This makes coparenting...
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How Divorce Can Sky Rocket Your Trust in the Universe

Divorce teaches us how to live differently.
 Not completely but usually our life and the way we move within it will be in significantly different ways.
 Divorce is a teacher for many of us.  But thriving through and after the transition is not rooted in "should have" or "wish I would have."
Research shows that when women take a good hard look at their lives post divorce and  notice that not only did they make it but they are thriving after divorce they gain an overall sense of security.
Brenda said, "Well, it ended up being a time...you know because he would get the girls every other weekend, all of the sudden, I have free time.”
Brenda hadn't wanted free time. Free time meant loneliness and pain. Brenda wanted her time alone to pass and the horrible pain she was having to go away.
Time did pass as it always does, but it felt like it did so very slowly until one particular day when her daughters were with their...
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Two Step

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