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How Family and Friends Stoke the Flames of Conflict for Coparents after Divorce

New Research finds that when parents perceive that friends & family blame their ex-partner for transgressions and speak negatively about the ex-partner, it is harder for those parents to forgive the other parent.
If you are holding your breath waiting for the conflict to finally end, consider the holding on that is stoked by friends and family.
Blaming on their part may be one factor that contributes to maintaining & escalating of conflicts between divorced parents.
I am here to help. Get my Free Workbook on Promoting Positive Self-esteem in Children of Divorce here:
High conflict parents, often struggling themselves to tilt the ship right, underestimate the effects of their conflicts on children and children's self-esteem. Putting to use the steps in the workbook does not require you engage in any way with your ex. They are parenting prompts that can be utilized with children of...
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The #1 Way To Set Up Your Child For Success

As parents, there are a few things that we all want our children to feel…






But for parents considering, going through, or who have already divorced, sometimes it feels that your family won’t be able to emerge happy and whole.  


As a psychologist and former family law attorney, I have spent two decades working with individuals and families to help them emerge from divorce with happiness and confidence.


And now I want to give away that knowledge inside this FREE guide:


Promoting Positive Self-Esteem In Children


Helping parents everywhere raise happy, healthy and confident children, in this guide you will discover:


How self-esteem plays a role in childhood 

How their self-esteem influences their choices and relationships later in life

A comprehensive strategy including 8 Steps you should take to help your child develop positive self-esteem

Examples of situations and...

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A Coparenting Guide to Boost your Child’s Self-Esteem

Calling all parents!


What if you had a coparenting blueprint that helped your children emerge from divorce with confidence!?


That’s exactly what Promoting Positive Self-Esteem In Children - a FREE guide - is designed to do.


As a psychologist and former family law attorney, I have spent two decades working with individuals and families to help them emerge from divorce happy and whole.


And I am also all too familiar with the effects that negative self-esteem can have on a developing child. 


In this FREE guide, it is my mission to help parents everywhere raise happy, healthy and confident children with loving guidance.


For parents considering, going through, or who have already divorced, this guide can help you  discover:


How self-esteem plays a role in childhood 

How their self-esteem influences their choices and relationships later in life

A comprehensive strategy including 8 Steps you should take to help your...

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Two Step

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